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In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (the "LSSI"), we inform you that the website: "Website"), is operated by ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL, with NIF. No.: B10828143, whose address is at C/ Isla De Altea, 6,
Blq-4, Piso 1-B, Altea - Alicante, Postal Code: 03.590 dedicating itself to the provision of real estate mediation services of all kinds of real estate, owned or owned by third parties, for sale or lease, in the broadest terms and through any medium. You can obtain more information about ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL through the "We" section of the Website or by sending an email to the following email


This document contains the legal notice and the conditions of use of the Website (the "Legal Notice and Conditions of Use" or the "Legal Notice") that ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL makes available to users.


The access and use of the Website by the User implies that the User fully accepts and undertakes to fully comply with the terms and conditions contained in this Legal Notice and Conditions of Use. Consequently, the User must carefully read this Legal Notice on each of the occasions in which you intend to use the Website, since it and its conditions of use may be subject to modification.




The User undertakes not to use the Website for fraudulent purposes, as well as not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL or of third parties. Likewise, the User undertakes not to carry out any act in order to damage, disable or overload the Website, or that would prevent, in any way, its normal use and operation.


The User is informed that, where appropriate, the breach by the same of the content of this Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy or any other particular terms or conditions contained in the Website, ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL reserves the right to limit, suspend or terminate your access to the Website, adopting any technical measure for this purpose. Likewise, ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL reserves the right to exercise such measures in the event that it reasonably suspects that the User is violating any of the terms and conditions contained in this Legal Notice. Likewise, we inform the User that ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL reserves the right to decide at all times on the continuity of the services of the information society that it provides through the Website.




The purpose of this Website is solely to provide commercial information services, without being able to carry out, in any case, through the Website any transaction that involves contracting or electronic commerce, not even reservations on real estate owned by third parties marketed by ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL or in which ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL facilitates the channels or means of marketing them. In no case should the information be considered an offer of sale or lease or a recommendation to carry out any type of transaction.


Consequently, the information about the properties contained on the Website is solely and exclusively for informational value and for strictly commercial purposes, in no case does it have the nature of an offer or pre-contractual, contractual or guarantee value, and does not imply a purchase recommendation, for what the recipient must carry out his own analysis and contrast by his own means; the characteristics, prices, etc... indicated in the properties offered have been informed by the property and are subject to final verification by the User at the time of formalization, where appropriate, of the public deed of sale, contract of lease, private contract of sale or sign and deposit, etc.


In this sense, ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL informs the User interested in a property that it will make its information available prior to the execution of any purchase or lease agreement, expressly informing that some procedures may entail expenses to be billed to the applicant, and the User carry out the relevant checks and obtain the corresponding advice. The User is especially informed that the situation of ownership, charges and legal-registration in general must be verified in the corresponding Property Registry. The urban situation must be verified through the corresponding Public Administrations, since the type of building indicated on the Website for each Property may not correspond to its current urban situation. Likewise, we inform you that the images or any graphic representation of the properties may not be updated in all cases, so any purchase decision requires a visit and prior verification by the interested party.


As previously reported, no legal transaction related to the purchase or lease of Real Estate is held through the Website. The reservation commitment agreements, private contracts or deeds of sale will be formalized exclusively through the procedures indicated for each Property. For this same reason, the information required by Royal Decree 515/1989, of April 21, on consumer protection regarding the information to be provided in the purchase-sale and rental of homes (the "RD 515/1989" ) and the remaining state and regional regulations that may apply will be available to potential interested parties in the places indicated for the formalization of the corresponding agreement or contract, which, in this sense, are also the places in which all the precise pre-contractual information is provided. and are considered the sales offices for all legal purposes.


ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL informs all its bidding clients (owners) of the obligation to comply with national and European regulations on energy efficiency, which is: Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 19 May 2010, regarding the energy efficiency of buildings; Royal Decree 235/2013, of April 5, which approves the basic procedure for the certification of the energy efficiency of buildings, in such a way that, in those buildings in which the energy rating is not reported, the property has stated to ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL that it is in the process of being achieved.


The information contained in the Website is subject to possible updates, extensions, revisions and modifications, ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL reserves the right to introduce modifications or partially or totally omit the current contents of the Website when it deems it appropriate, as well as prevent or restrict access temporarily or permanently.  




Next, ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL describes the treatment of personal data that can be obtained through the different forms that are enabled on the Website., which will be treated confidentially and only for those purposes that you have consented to.


Therefore, our Privacy Policy is based on compliance with the principles referring to the processing of data contained in article 5 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), which is described below.


1.- Responsible for the treatment of your personal data and contact data.


Your personal data will be processed by ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL, with NIF. No.: B10828143, whose address is at C/ Isla De Altea, 6,
Blq-4, Floor 1-B, Altea - Alicante, Postal Code: 03.590, telephone +34 626 340 382,


2.- Purpose of the treatment.


Your data may be used for the management and attention of requests for information through the website in order to provide professional real estate services and thus provide you with information on what you request, and your data may be communicated to the property owner by those who have been interested, for, for example, among other purposes, to arrange visits with the owner, to notify the owner of his offer for the property for study and consideration, to assess the available financing options, to finalize the sale or lease operation of real estate, etc...

For the improvement of both the Website and our services.

In your case, to comply with legal obligations, or in relation to any contractual relationship that we maintain with you.

For the sending of commercial communications, provided that you have authorized us, in order to offer you properties and services in accordance with the criteria or preferences that you have provided us.

You can revoke your consent to receive commercial communications at any time, by using the button provided for this purpose in each of the communications, or by communicating your wish to revoke consent through the following channels:

1. Email that you must send to the 

2. Postal mail addressed to C/ Isla De Altea, 6, Blq-4, Piso 1-B, Altea - Alicante, Postal Code: 03.590.


3.- Legitimation.


In accordance with current data protection regulations, your personal data may be processed if:

• You have given us your consent for the purposes of processing. Of course, you can withdraw your consent at any time, we inform you that, in the event that personal data is collected through the forms enabled on the, it will be necessary for you to provide, at least, those marked with an asterisk, since, if these data considered necessary are not provided, ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL will not be able to accept and manage the web service or query formulated.

• It is necessary for the provision of some of our services through a contractual relationship between you and us.

• With such treatment, we seek a legitimate interest that is not undermined by your privacy rights. Said legitimate interest will be duly communicated to you in the privacy notice related to that particular treatment.

• Required by law


4.- Duration of treatment and storage period.


The processing of data for the purposes described above will be maintained for the duration of the business relationship or for the years necessary to comply with the relevant legal obligations.


5.- Rights and exercise.


You have the rights recognized in the General Data Protection Regulation to access, rectify and delete the data, request their portability, oppose the treatment, request the limitation of it and revoke the consent given.


Likewise, you have the right to access your personal data and obtain a copy of the personal data subject to processing, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. Interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims. As a consequence of the application of the right to suppression or opposition to the processing of personal data in the online environment, the interested parties have the right to be forgotten.


You can exercise your rights by email addressed to the  or by postal communication to the address C/ Isla De Altea, 6, Blq-4, Piso 1-B, Altea - Alicante, Postal Code: 03.590, indicating the right to exercise and attaching your DNI or similar identification documentation.


If you consider that your rights are not properly addressed, you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, whose contact details are: Telephone: 901 100 099; Postal Address: C/ Jorge Juan, 6 28001-Madrid; Electronic Headquarters:  and 


6.- Confidentiality and Security in data processing.


Given the importance of your personal data for ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL, it will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and discretion, for this purpose we have established all the technical means at our disposal in order to avoid loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of data provided by users.



          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The intellectual and industrial property rights of the Website, the pages it comprises and the information or elements contained therein, including texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representations, databases, computer programs, as well as logos, trademarks, trade names, or other distinctive signs, protected by intellectual or industrial property rights, are the property of ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL or any of its licensors.

The use of the Website by the User does not imply the transfer of any intellectual and/or industrial property rights over the Website, the contents and/or the distinctive signs of ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL. Therefore, through this Legal Notice, the User is expressly prohibited from any form of exploitation, reproduction, transformation, distribution, transfer to third parties, public communication, making available, extraction and/or reuse, through any type of support and medium, of the Website, its Contents and/or the distinctive signs of ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL Failure to comply with this prohibition may constitute an infringement punishable by current legislation.


However, the User, at their own risk, may download or make a copy of such elements exclusively for their personal and private use, provided that this does not imply violating any of the intellectual or industrial property rights of ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL. In particular, you may not alter, modify or delete them in whole or in part. In no case will this mean an authorization or license on the property rights of ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL.


ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL does not grant any guarantee about the legality and legality of the information or elements contained in the pages of the Website when the origin or ownership of the same does not correspond to it.


It is prohibited, except in those cases that are expressly authorized by ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL, to establish links, hyperlinks or links, from portals or third-party websites to web pages owned by them or those that hold an exclusive exploitation license, other than the page home page of your portal, accessible at the URL, or the one that replaces it in the future, as well as presenting said web pages or the information contained in them under frames or frameworks, distinctive signs, trademarks or company or commercial names of another natural or legal person, company or entity.


The improper use of the domain: economic traffic would entail an infringement of the rights conferred by its registration and will be prosecuted by the means provided by law.




ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL does not guarantee continuous access, nor the correct display, download or use of the elements and information contained on the Website, which may be impeded, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control.


Likewise, it is not responsible for the information and other content integrated in spaces or web pages of third parties accessible from the portal through links, hyperlinks or links, nor for the information and other content integrated in spaces or web pages of third parties from which it is accessed through links, hyperlinks or links to the Website, nor to the information and content of any third-party web page that appears under the appearance or distinctive signs of ARZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL, unless expressly authorized by the latter. However, it undertakes to do everything possible to prevent the existence of illegal content on the Website and, if it becomes aware of said content, to eliminate it or prevent access to it.


ARAZAVIA INVERSIONES, SL does not assume any responsibility in relation to the information, content of all kinds, products and services offered or provided through the Website by third parties, especially for damages of any kind that, linked to the foregoing, may produced by: absence or deficiencies in the information provided to users or in its veracity, accuracy and sufficiency; breach or poor performance of contracts or pre-contractual relationships; breach of the obligations incumbent on the service providers of the information society; infringement of the rights of consumers and users; infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights; carrying out acts of unfair competition or illicit advertising; infringement of the right to data protection; professional secrecy and the rights to honor, personal and family privacy and the image of people; and in general the breach of any applicable laws, customs or codes of conduct.


Nor does it assume any responsibility for damages, losses, claims or expenses caused by: interference, interruptions, failures, omissions, telephone breakdowns, delays, blockages or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system, caused by deficiencies, overloads and errors in the telecommunications lines and networks, or for any other cause beyond its control; illegitimate interference through the use of malicious programs of any kind and through any means of communication, such as computer viruses or any other; improper or inappropriate use of its web pages; Security or navigation errors caused by a malfunction of the browser or by the use of non-updated versions of the same.

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