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Cookies policy

In compliance with article 22 of the Law on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that this web portal uses cookies.

A cookie is a file that is downloaded and stored on your computer from our portal, emails or other means to allow us, among other things, to store and retrieve information about user or computer browsing habits and, depending on the information that they contain and the way you use your equipment, can be used to recognize the user. Our services can only set a cookie on your browser if your browser preferences allow it.

Cookies used on this website:

Our website makes use of the following types of cookies:



Type of cookies

cookie name



technical cookies



next previous



They allow the user to navigate through the web page, platform or application and the use of the services made available in them: login, search process and apartment consultation, save favorite properties, etc.

Conservation period of 15 days for the “lang”, “URL_LISTADO_LAST_SEARCH” and “followingPrevious” cookies. After this period the cookies will be deleted.

Conservation period of 1 year of cookies "cookies_surestao" and "AnunciosPorParrilla". After this period the cookies will be deleted.

Personalization cookies


They allow the user to access the service with predefined characteristics such as language, browser type, regional configuration, personalized apartment search, option to save user favorite properties, announcements of property preferences.

Conservation period of 15 days for the “lang” and “URL_LISTADO_LAST_SEARCH” cookies. After this period the cookies will be deleted.

Conservation period of 1 year of the "favorites" cookie. After this period the cookies will be deleted. 

session cookies


This third-party cookie (PHP) allows the website to save serialized state data. It is used to establish user sessions by passing state data through a temporary cookie also known as a Session Cookie.

Retention period during the user session. After this period the cookies will be deleted.

Analysis cookies







Used only to quantify the number of users who access this portal, facilitating the performance of measurements and statistical analyzes that allow improving the offer of products and services of the WEB site. our service provider. Aggregated data is processed without identifying users. Audience analysis and advertising cookies are carried out using third-party Google Analytics cookies. Subsequently, this information is sent to Google Inc. servers in the United States or other territories.

Conservation period of 1 minute of cookies _gat.

1-day retention period for cookies _gat_gtag_UA ; _gid and AMCV.

1-year retention period for _hjid cookies

2-year conservation period for cookies _ga.

After this period the cookies will be deleted. 

Analysis cookies


Used solely to quantify the number of users who access this portal, facilitating the performance of statistical measurements and analyzes that allow improving the offer of products and services on the website. as our service provider.

Aggregated data is processed without identifying users. Audience analysis and advertising cookies are carried out by Adobe's third-party cookies. Subsequently, this information is sent to the servers of

Conservation period of 2 years for AMCV cookies. After this period the cookies will be deleted

Through the use of our cookies, no profiling or treatment is carried out that implies automated solutions with legal effects for the user or that significantly affects them in a similar way.

International transfer of personal data

International transfer of personal coughs are not made.

Although the information extracted from the analytical cookies is transferred outside the European Economic Area, an international transfer of personal data is not carried out, since it does not allow us to identify users, nor is it used to distinguish some users from others, nor is it tracked. individualized from them.

Cookie retention period

Cookies will be kept for a minimum period of 1 minute and a maximum of 24 months, depending on the type of cookies according to the table above. The user can revoke their consent through the mechanisms described in the following section, deleting all or part of the cookies they consider.

How can cookies be managed in the browser?

La instalación de cookies se realiza siempre y cuando el usuario autorice en su navegador a su instalación, tanto en sus páginas como en las enlazadas o referenciadas mediante links, sin recoger en ningún momento datos personales ni confidenciales del usuario ni perfiles de comportamiento de los usuarios y garantizando el anonimato del usuario.

La instalación de cookies se realiza únicamente cuando el usuario ACEPTA el uso de las mismas en el primer acceso al web mediante una ventana informativa, donde podrá configurar la aceptación de las cookies que no sean imprescindibles para el funcionamiento de la web.

El usuario en cualquier momento puede denegar o revocar el consentimiento para el uso de cookies. Aquellos usuarios que no deseen recibir Cookies, delimitar la instalación de determinadas cookies o quieran ser informados de su fijación pueden configurar su navegador a tal efecto.

Puede bloquear o eliminar estas cookies en cualquier momento mediante la configuración de las opciones de su navegador. Las instrucciones para la gestión de cookies de los navegadores más habituales las puede encontrar en los siguientes enlaces:

  • Google Chrome

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Internet Explorer

  • Safari

  • Opera

Si bloquea el uso de cookies de su navegador es posible que algunos Servicios o funcionalidades de la página web no estén disponibles. Puede obtener más información de las cookies en

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